By the end of 1982, JG had accumulated
large overstocks of some items. In order to free up some space
(and get some hardly needed money!), Judges Guild offered a handful
of packages at 15$ each.
JG1050-Adventure Campaign
JG1051-Campaign Booster Pack
JG1052-Campaign Game Aide Pack
JG1053-Campaign Pack |

Adventure Campaign Pack, 1986 copies. Contains items #640,710,720,
Campaign Booster Pack, 1136 copies. Contains items #500, 590,
730, 760.
Campaign Game Aide Pack, 1369 copies. Contains items ,75,78,89,#480
Campaign Pack, 3250 copies. Contains items #330, 340, 350, 490,


Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)
Auction History
Campaign Pack: SW: $15.50 (2/01), SW: $7.75 (3/01), SW: $8.50
(3/01),SW: $10.50 (4/01), SW:$20.50(5/01), SW:$9.51 (5/01), SW:$9.99(6/01),
Campaign Booster Pack: SW: $10.51 (1/01), SW: $7.37 (2/01),
SW: $11.50 (3/01), SW: $7.25 (3/01), SW: $17.25 (4/01), SW:$22.50(5/01),
SW:$8.01 (5/01), SW:$17.50(6/01), SW:$5.00(6/01)
Campaign Game Aide Pack: SW: $16.60 (3/01), SW: $22.50 (3/01),SW:
$18.29 (4/01), SW:$25.01(5/01), SW:$10.51 (5/01), SW:$11.51(6/01)
Adventure Campaign Pack:SW: $13.50 (3/01), SW: $9.51 (3/01),
SW: $8.51 (4/01), SW:$10.50(5/01), SW:$10.00 (5/01),SW:$11.25(6/01),
SW:$20.50(6/01) |