Four (blank) 17"x22"
numbered hex-grid sheets, printed on both sides of high-quality
brown pebble-grain stock for a total of eight grids. These are
ideal for use by the Judge in creating his own wilderlands, and
may be used for the standard D&D 5-mile wilderness hex. The
sheets are printed in the same size as our standard Judges Guild
City State campaign maps of the wilderland, so that the Judges
may expand their works as they desire. Printed with a double-burning
process, half-tones, these are very large (34 hexes long and
52 wide) and can be used for anything in any gaming system; they
are as versatile and useful to the wargamer as notebook filler
is to a student. Colored pencils and felt-tipped pens work beautifully
on this surface and will not soak through.
Scan supplied by Roberta Kei

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Wilderlands Hex Sheets (SW)
Hex sheet |