This 48-page booklet contains three Runequest scenarios and background
information, concerning the struggle between the Aldryami Elves
and Dryads of Tall Seed Forest and encrouching Men from the adjacent
Empire of the City of Whorn. It includes highly detailed histories
and legends of the forest, the Inn, and nearby Troll Country,
and one of the Empire's frontier forts. Characters ranging in
ability from newly rolled to nearing Rune Status can be included
in the adventures without too much difficulty. The standard Runequest
format for listing character and monster statistics has been
used and explained.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??) Black and
white with green leaves on the trees, white border. ?
2nd Printing:(19??) Color cover
with blue border. ?

Auction History
G: $6.00 (4/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Broken Tree Inn(unkown printing)

Broken Tree Inn(unkown printing) |