64 page booklet detailing a vast alien research station hollowed
out of an asteroid. A complete massive 12 level adventure for
Traveller. Illustrated by Kevin Siembieda, and includes incites
on the culture, language and history of the wierd reptilian Drakne
Aliens. This is a complete, well detailed scenerio, with several
different types of research labs, repair shops, spare parts depots,
recreation areas, and more.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??) Has writting
at the bottom?
2nd Printing:(19??) Does not
have the extra writting at the botom?

Auction History
2nd: G:$3.76 (4/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Dra'k'ne Station (1st)

Dra'k'ne Station (2nd) |