A 48-page booklet detailing the Tancred System, located in the
Outreamer Sub-Sector of Ley Sector. Included is a complete description
of an entire civilized planet as well as other significant installations
on other planets. Tancred is an excellent place to start a TRAVELLER
Campaign. All major cities are mapped and described with encounter
tables provided. The centerfold contains an 11' x 17" two-color
map of the planet. Complete details provided for a B Class Starport.
Four special scenarios are included to get campaigns underway.
Featured on the cover are a complete set of 15mm scale armored
fighting vehicles for the Mercenary Regiment detailed within.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History
G:$1.00 (4/01), G:$1.25(5/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Tancred |