The fourth and final traveller sector completes the Judges Guild
Gateway Quadrant Campaign background. This product contains a
22' x 34" three color map and a 32-page guidebook. The map
gives Steller Location, political Divisions and Jump Routes in
the sector. The reverse of the map has eight significant planets
of the Sector mapped in detail with historical background and
statistics on each.the Guidebook details each of the 392 systems.
Background history of each of the 16 sub-sectors is provided
as well as Political and Military information on the nine significant
interstellar states, empires, sultanantes, and einarchys located
here. Complete events, Rumors, and Encounter Charts are provided
for the Judge in this product. The product has been Created and
Approved for use with Traveller.
Description supplied by the 1982
Judges Guild Catalog

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Marantha-Alkahest Sector |