A completely detailed spaceport and town out on the active fringes
of adventure, this campaign aid comprises a 48-page book and
a 22"x34" double-sided Map Sheet. Designed to serve
as an initial starter scenario, this product gives a firm base
for starting out a team of adventurers on the proverbial shoestring.
Opportunities for both legitimate and ilegal profits are present.
All buildings and installations are completely mapped in 15mm
scale for use with miniatures or counters. This is the first
in a series of products which are designed to be utilized with
all science fiction role-playing systems.
Description supplied by the 1982
Judges Guild Catalog.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History
M/SW: $4.95 (4/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Port O' Call |