A 64-page booklet with 48 village maps and nine pages of tbles
for generating village names, building sizes and types, government
works, village shops and inns, population levels and technologies.
Ideal for various "out-of-dungeon" activities by parties
of adventurers, the villages are mapped on numbered hex grids
in light gray so that Judges may easily make additions and changes.
The various settlements herein may be used to detail or expand
upon the Judges Guild wilderness or any other campaign system
as desired. A Judges Guild Campaign Hexagon Sub-System, especially
designed to help beginning players and Judges. Village Book I
has been created and approved for use with D&D.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(1978) Village Square
on cover.
2nd Printing:(19??) Dragon before
Village on cover.

Auction History
1st:G:$9.00 (4/01), G:$4.49(4/01)
2nd: G:$4.99 (6/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Village Book I (1st printing)

Village Book I (2nd printing) |