A 64-page booklet containing 50 pages of maps of various small
settlements, villages, and hamlets, intended to fill the needs
of any active campaign Judge to populate a large area for his
fantasy role-players. The book includes nine pages of tables
on the generation of various heraldry and coats of arms. The
maps are printed on light gray hex fields to facilitate modifications
by the Judge; colored felt-tipped pens can be used to great advantage
to code buildings and other terrain features. This is a Judges
Guild Campaign Hexagon Sub-System.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)
2nd Printing:(19??) Color Cover
and now has "Approved for use with Dungeons&Dragons"
on the cover.

Auction History |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Village book II (1st)

Village book II (2nd) |