The action is crammed into this 16-page fantasy adventure module.
An ancient prophet fortold of the rising from the pits of Hell
of the dead and buried Druid, F'deck Fo, and of the devastation
he would bring on the descendants of his people. The time-worn
prophecy is reaching for fulfillment; the curse must be reversed
and destroyed. You must march to the Tomb, enter, and end the
unholy evil residing there. This product contains multiple adventures,
new and horrifying creatures, a strong fortress, and a completely
described barbarian village.
Description supplied by the 1982
Judges Guild Catalog.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History
M: $5 (3/01), G:$3.24 (5/01), EX:$4.25(6/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

F'dechFo's Tomb |