TERROR BENEATH THE CITY - Danger lurks below! Beneath the City
State of the Invincible Overlord lies a maze of tunnels and sewers
populated by criminals, fugitives, and a host of strange creatures.
This massive product includes many NPCs, multiple underground
areas to be explored, and several new monsters. This module contains
a 112-page book and a huge, 22"x34" map, with maps
and text figured down to the last detail for the most exacting
Judge. Wraith Overlord is an absolute must for anyone campaigning
in the City State. A supplement to the original City State of
the Invincible Overlord.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??)

Auction History
SW: $10.59 (2/01), VG:$10.00 (3/01), NM:$26.00 (3/01), SW:$56.00
(4/01), SW: $20.00 (4/01), SW:$11.50 (6/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Wraith Overlord |