The third book in the "Wilderness
Series". 22 wilderness hexes of Campaign Map 1 are detailed
in these 80-pages along with description and maps of the major
points of interest. Warrior Women plot to regain their home lost
to the barbarous Skandiks, fearsome sea reavers all. Torn between
their Gods of the North and the Druidic worship of nature, the
Skandiks grow weak. Beware the cruel and evil Anti-Paladin who
stalks this area looking for blood; he may be the death of you
yet! Can you thread the perilous path to fame and riches in this
saga of unforgettble Adventure? A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy

Printing Information
1st Printing:(1982)

Auction History
SW:$10.50(4/01), EX:$6.00(6/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Shield Maidens of Sea Rune |