JG114-The Maltese Clue By  


The official AD&D tournament dungeon from Wintercon VIII, based on available maps and photographs of Hedingham Castle in Essex, England, 48 pages long, with full-color, heavy-duty cover, the "dungeon" contains the key to a magic book; this key is the subject of a quest by the players. Five detailed dungeon levels with keyed rooms and secret passages are provided, as is a list of pre-rolled characters from the tournament. These characters are mostly members of a thieves' guild, a spoof of the old private detective sagas, led by Sam "The Spade". Also included are soem new magic items such as magic card decks, and a labyrinthine set of caverns beneath the castle (also keyed and pupulated). This product has been offically approved for use with AD&D.


Printing Information

1st Printing:(1979) Original release has item number in orange box.

2nd Printing:(19??) Reprint has item number in green box.


Auction History

1st: G:$6.00(6/01)

2nd: EX:$6.00(6/01)

click thumbnails to enlarge

The Maltese Clue (1st)

The Maltese Clue (2nd)