The third book in the "Portals
series" Journeys of wonder and magic will be experienced
when the Portals are traveled again in this newest release in
the Portals series for AD&D. Portals of Twilight is set on
the planet, Halfworld; it is a world similar to our moon, half
light and half shadow, with only a narrow stirp of land that
is habitable. This twilight region has evolved varied types of
creatures which are accustomed to the climate. North Pole City
can be visited also, as it is the center of learning and culture
on Halfworld. Multiple encounters are given, as well as other
major points of interest and new monster types.
Description supplied by the 1982
Judges Guild Catalog.
Printing date supplid by T.S.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(1981)

Auction History
M:$4.99 (3/01), M:$7.17 (3/01), G:$3.24 (4/01) |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Portals of Twilight |