Ready Ref Sheets Package combines
the reference sheets published in the judges guild's intial subscription
package and the first three installments (J,K&L). In addition
to reworking some basic D&D charts into a unified, practical
play aid, you will find a few of our own ideas. of course, all
material is subject to modification by each referee and his group,
to suit individual preferences. thanks for purchasing the Ready
Ref Package, which we think will help facilitate fast paced fantasy
Original Ready Ref Sheets:20
pages 7 charts
Sheet I-8, Men Attacking/Sheet I-6, Man to man melee charts(5
Sheet I-7, Monsters attacking charts (2 copies)
Wizard guild/Construction costs (2 copies)
JG29-Character checklist (2 copies)
Sheet J-5, Surprise/Phantasmal forces (2 copies) |

All of these items may have been
sold seperatly or packaged with Judges guild Journal
Sheet I-8, Men Attacking/Sheet
I-6, Man to man melee charts:
Sheet I-7, Monsters attacking charts:
Wizard guild/Construction costs:
JG29-Character checklist:Also sent with Teagal Manor
Sheet J-5, Surprise/Phantasmal forces:
click thumbnails to enlarge:The
large scan may take a bit to fully load.


Printing Information
Each catalog would have only
1 printing as the dates given.
Auction History
Sheet I-8, Men Attacking/man
to man melee charts:
Sheet I-7, Monsters attacking charts:
Wizard guild/Construction costs:
JG29-Character checklist:Also sent with Teagal Manor
Sheet J-5, Surprise/Phantasmal forces: |