This 64-page tome with handsome cover provides tables for random
generation of olden names, nicknames, titles, twon and tavern
names for fantasy and science-fiction role-playing games. The
English language and its antecedents such as Celtic, Teutonic,
Scandinavian, Latin and Greek tongues have ben used as sources,
so that name meanings would be on the fringes of the familiar
and exotic simultaneously. A good name will establish a chracter's
personality or an inn's or village's atmosphere and history;
it encourages a credible rapport and reminds players that all
of the characters have a strong self-interest and identity in
the game. Forty-six pages of various tables are provided with
extensive guidelines to their application. The various tables
provide 320,000 possible name combinations.

Printing Information
1st Printing:(19??) Subtitled
"Volume 1", this one has a yellow-and-brown cover showing
a rather gaunt-looking, long-haired priestess bestowing knighthood
upon a man kneeling before her. The scene takes place inside
a cathedral. The product listing is complete up to #93.
2nd Printing:(19??) This has
nothing like Volume 1 on it, and the cover is done in black with
a bit of gray at the borders. Artwork is rather simple, as it
is only a black and white frame around the title and publisher
name with a sketch of a knight (?) on a horse which is not signed
nor credited in the book. The product listing at the end of the
book continiues into the 700-numbers.

Auction History |
click thumbnails to enlarge

Archaic Names (1st)

Archaic Names (2nd) |