There where at least 6 different
types of guildmember subscription available.
Basic-Initial package & 5 Installments
Associate-Includes the Judges Shield as the first sent
item plus the next 6 issues/Installments.
Seven issue Subscription-Includes the next 7 issues only
Catch up Subscription-Includes the last 4 issue, just
published, Plus the next 6 issues.
City State Catch up Subscription- Includes the last 4
issue that werejust published and a City State Play aid (JG12)
plus the next 6 issues.
Advanced Guildmember Subscription-Includes the City State
Play aid (JG12) as the first sent item, plus the next 6 issues.
It is unknown at this time how
these where put together eg. Sealed in brown envelope or clear

Printing Information
1st Edition:(19??)

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